Sunday, August 16, 2009

the story of don quixote

Don Quixote by Pablo Picasso

Who IS Don Quixote?

Don Quixote or Quijote is actually a fictional character created by the renowned author Miguel de Cervantes, based on a story, manuscript by a Moorish historian called Cide Hamete Benengeli. The original books, part 1 and part 2 were published in Spanish, of course, in 1605 and 1615 respectively. It was originally called El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha. It was translated to English in 1885 by John Ormsby (1829-1895).

In the Spanish speaking world, it is known as the first true novel. The famous theme of the idealistic, insane knight and the devoted, down to earth squire is used to portray many complex themes through unforgettable incidents. There is a great blend of tragic and comic. With its variety and colour, the book is known as a masterpiece of droll humour, giving the modern readers an interesting picture of 16th century Spanish society, made all the more beautiful by its fantastic prose style. Cervantes started the novel with the intention to parody the many romances of chivalry which were popular in those times and also, which the Church was unsuccessfully trying to check. The result, however is Don Quixote.

Although the novel is essentially humorous, the second half is more serious and philosophical. It is a source of inspiration for literature, art and music. Pablo Picasso made a painting, based on the book and Richard Strauss made music of it. Quixote has served as an important thematic source not only in literature but in much of art and music, inspiring works by Pablo Picasso and Richard Strauss. The contrasts between the tall, thin and idealistic Quixote and the fat, squat, world-weary Panza has been echoed ever since the book’s publication. Don Quixote's imaginings are the butt of outrageous and cruel practical jokes in the novel. Even faithful and simple Sancho is unintentionally forced to deceive him at certain points.
The real Don Quixote, is Alonso Quixano. A retired country gentleman in his fifties. He lived in an unnamed section of La Mancha with his niece and a housekeper. He became obsessed with books of chivalry and believe everything he read as the truth. Eventually, he appeared to others as people appears to other people to have lost his mind from too little sleep and food, too much reading.
The Don Quixote who stays with us at our Suryaluna Hostal is quite a character too..we wish him all the very best as he 'does his rounds' and hope to see him again soon.

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