Monday, September 21, 2009

video : grand guitars

this was sent to us by one of our guest. his name is Jose Maria Obeso. he played at the recent Guitar Festival in San Miguel de Allende to a standing ovacion. he stayed with us at Suryaluna hostal while he was here. since San Miguel de Allende, travelled home to teach then went all over Europe playing with orchestras. he is now on his way to Prague. we wish him all the very best and hope to see him again soon. here is our new friend playing with his teacher...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Niños Héroes - 13th September

(pic courtesy of

13th September is not a very well-known date..not as well known as the 15th which is Mexico's Independence Day..but it is a day that should be remembered. Its actually a sad day when teenagers, children..basically became men of great patriotism and honor in a day and gave their lives for their country's honor.

In 1848, when the Mexican War was ending, the Mexicans had to continue fighting, this time against the U.S. U.S forces marched into the heart of Mexico, wanting to capture the capital city. They came through the western side which was protected by Chapultepec. Chapultepec is a fortified hill with a fortress which was once a palace but was used as a military academy. After a day of bombardment, American troops were ordered to storm in and by mid-morning General Nicolas Bravo and his remaining troops surrendered. But a handful of boys who felt that they would rather die with honor than surrender, fought on until all but one was killed. The last survivor wrapped the Mexican flag around himself and leapt from Chapultepec Castle, so that it could not be dishonored, taken by the enemy. The youngest was 14 and eldest was 20.

To honor their courage, they are now known as Niños Héroes (boy heroes) and they have a monument dedicated to them in Chapultepec Park in Mexico City.
It is so very amazing how children can lead the way sometimes. I learnt about them while talking to Suryaluna's manager, Pako. He is in-charge of both the Suryaluna restaurant and hostal and usually the person to go to ask about things regarding where to go and do in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico City...all of Mexico actually.